
Thank Me for the very things that are troubling you.

Phil 4:4-6

Last night I had made plans to go to one of the Freedom Festival events with a friend. At 2:30 she called to le t me know she didn’t want to go because it wasn’t the right kind of festival and she was out with another friend for lunch, then they were going to see a movie “did I want to join them?” Their movie pick was not one I was interested in and emotionally, it was more than I could manage – I really wanted to spend time with her, I needed time with a friend. She’s done this before with this particular friend I declined. Went to Wal-Mart for a vacuum came back home without one, watched Harry Potter movies and had a couple of beverages.

After their movie she called back to see if I wanted to join them for dinner – my choice. That was really big of you to offer but clearly you don’t get it. This is the 2nd friend in several months that I’ve become estranged from, I hate this part of the cycle when friendships end. I enjoy the next phase where new friendships are formed but I really just wanted some time with someone who knows me and I can be myself with. This one may have run it’s course. We’ve known each other for a decade and her life is changing dramatically in a good way and I am excited for her. New boyfriend (fiancé soon), thinking about moving and creating a life together, new job, new attitude. She justified her choice by saying she’s just “spontaneous”, not like me who plans things – ironic since I am very much a free spirit and we’ve had that talk on numerous occasions how she can “only plan one activity per day and then the schedule is full”. I do make time in my schedule when I’ve agreed to spend time with someone – I show up. That’s a matter of respect to the person your meeting and to your relationship.

Anyway, I’m going to early service in 45 minutes. I need to stop at the hospital but I don’t really want to. I still have to get my FMLA form completed for my employer. As much as I would like to wash my hands of this situation it’s not over yet. I am waiting on God’s nudging for the next step. I need to be around people who care about me today.

Have a Blessed one.

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